How to Make Yummy Peach and Mango Punch

Peach and Mango Punch. Welcome to a delightful journey of creating a refreshing Peach and Mango Punch! This fruity concoction is perfect for hot summer days or any special occasion. The blend of juicy peaches and ripe mangoes creates a burst of flavor that will leave your taste buds dancing. Let’s dive into the details of crafting this delicious beverage.


To create the perfect Peach and Mango Punch, you’ll need the following ingredients:

Ripe peaches4
Pineapple juice1 cup
Orange juice1/2 cup
Lemon juice2 tablespoons
Sugar1/4 cup
Ice cubesHandful
Mint leaves (optional)For garnish


  1. Wash and Peel the Fruits:
    • Begin by thoroughly washing the peaches and mangoes under running water.
    • Peel the skin off the peaches and remove the mango pits.
  2. Slice the Fruits:
    • Cut the peaches and mangoes into small, manageable chunks. This will make them easier to blend.
  3. Prepare the Juices:
    • Squeeze fresh pineapple, orange, and lemon juice and set them aside.

Blending the Fruits

  1. Load the Blender:
    • Place the sliced peaches and mangoes into a blender.
  2. Add Fruit Juices:
    • Pour in the pineapple, orange, and lemon juices for an extra burst of flavor.
  3. Blend to Perfection:
    • Blend the mixture until it reaches a smooth consistency. You should have a vibrant, fruity base.

Adding Sweetness

  1. Incorporate Sugar:
    • Gradually add the sugar while blending. Taste along the way to achieve your desired level of sweetness.
  2. Adjust to Taste:
    • Depending on your preference, you can add more sugar if needed. Remember, it’s all about finding the perfect balance!

Chilling and Serving

  1. Cooling the Punch:
    • Transfer the blended mixture into a pitcher and refrigerate for at least 2 hours. This allows the flavors to meld together.
  2. Prep the Glasses:
    • Place a handful of ice cubes into each serving glass.
  3. Pour and Garnish:
    • Pour the chilled Peach and Mango Punch into the glasses. Optionally, add a sprig of fresh mint for a burst of aroma.


Get creative with your Peach and Mango Punch! Here are some fun variations to try:

  1. Tropical Twist:
    • Add a splash of coconut water for a tropical flavor.
  2. Sparkling Delight:
    • Top off your punch with a bit of sparkling water for some fizzy fun.
  3. Adult Version:
    • For a grown-up version, add a splash of rum or vodka.

Final Thoughts

There you have it, a tantalizing Peach and Mango Punch that’s bound to be a hit at any gathering. The combination of ripe fruits and citrus juices creates a symphony of flavors that’s both refreshing and invigorating. Experiment with different variations to find your perfect blend. Enjoy and stay refreshed!